A false conversion is presented as fulfilling the bible’s reference to the great falling away. This course will not only define what a false conversion is, but it also explains how and why it manifests. The participant will come to understand the reason why producing a false conversion is the number one objective of a religious evil spirit, aka the spirit of the antichrist. Topics addressed are doctrines and practices that serve to create a false conversion, like the invitation, the altar call, the sinner’s prayer, easy believism, the decisional gospel, works versus grace. The element of a true born again experience are also addressed through teachings on the 3 R’: repentance, resurrection, both of which produces rebirth.
The e book but you associated with this course is "the Church of the End time Zombies.
Make sure you download the curriculum you automatically receive upon registering. Included are links to the book, a short answer test and a project. With the project , you will examine a case based upon what you have learned in this course and in the book.the videos and any articles, point out the evidence relative to the topic. You can either paraphrase in your own words as well as make a direct quote from the material. Send the essay to an affiliated pastor with PSM. if you have no affliate, allow 48 hours to PSM to receive your grade from the time you submitted it.
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