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his a book of love to those whose demonic torment  worsened because they innocently submitted themselves to Charismatic, Apostolic and Pentecostal  deliverance workers.  It is Pastor Pam’s hope that captives  who have been trampled upon by insensitive, deceived deliverance workers will come to a knowledge of the truth.

This book exposes the myths and the eccentric practices of traditional deliverance ministry and replaces it with cutting edge knowledge, wisdom and expertise on the differences between fallen angels and demons. A wake-up call to the elect of God, the  book reveals how and why the  enemy himself is the un-seen  author of deliverance ministry, for the sole purpose of binding the strongman. Who is the strongman? The one who stands strong in the armor of the Lord Jesus Christ.  For seasoned deliverance workers who are willing to resist pride and admit to error, this book is an invaluable tool for setting captives free, “for real!” 


Ebook Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministry

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