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Deliverance Is Not Just An American Thriller. It's Spiritual Freedom.

When we think of demons, spirits, and ghosts, the first thing that comes to mind is movies. Hollywood has a way of giving life to imaginations; most of the time, these imaginations are false or only shed partial truths. One example is Deliverance, a 1972 American thriller film produced and directed by John Boorman and starring Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty, and others.

Deliverance: What Does It Mean?

Lewis Medlock wants to see the Cahulawassee River before it's dammed and turned into a lake. He is an outdoor fanatic and takes his friends on a canoeing trip they'll never forget into the dangerous American backcountry. The movie's theme revolves around being "delivered" from the pending danger that looms on the river.

This is one aspect of deliverance akin to the Israelites' deliverance out of Egypt. Deliverance can be synonymous with escape, protection, and freedom. According to the definition of deliverance, it is "the action of being rescued or set free." The deliverance we ultimately should seek first is spiritual freedom.

Deliverance Ministry

Everyone should get a copy of Pam Sheppard's Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministry. The book will help you better understand the myths and history of the deliverance ministry. But, in a nutshell, deliverance ministry did not exist until Charismatic and Pentecostal denominations formed their framework in the 20th century around the Azuza Street revival.

Some Christians debate whether a born-again believer can have a demon while the Holy Spirit is indwelling. While a born-again Christian cannot be possessed by a demon, they can still be attacked, as we see in Ephesians 6, the Scripture of spiritual warfare. But we also we spiritual warfare in the book of Revelation.

Religious Healing Practices

The problem with deliverance ministry is there are religious healing practices and exorcism rituals that actually hinder spiritual freedom and casting out demons. In fact, these practices and rituals make things worse.

We don't need special soaps, oils, and scents to be healed from demonic oppression. We don't need "inner faith healings" and to know everything about demonology from expert liberation ministries to be set free.

To understand deliverance, spiritual freedom, and spiritual warfare, we need to return to the simple examples of the Bible.

Exorcism Rituals Vs. Truth

Jesus and His apostles never used exorcism rituals to set people free. Jesus taught His disciples, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." The words "set you" can also mean "make you" in that a work of creation is done on you; something is formed in you that sets you spiritually free from the lie you were believing.

We don't need to receive empty healing prayers from a deliverance ministry's self-deliverance program. We need truth—the truth that reaches our spirits, truth anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit. This is what sets us free.

Faith Healing and Casting Out of Demons

Having demons cast out of you is a miracle and a healing. When Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the Gospel, they, along with every born-again Christian, were also to cast out demons and heal the sick. The goal is that when these are used on sinners, accompanied by preaching, the Holy Spirit will fall on the hearer, and they, too, will become born again, the ultimate spiritual freedom.

Demonology Is Not Enough

A demonology book cannot possibly tell us everything. This is why deliverance counseling is needed. We need Pastoral guidance and experts in salvation to help us identify our spiritual freedom.

Learn more about our deliverance counseling opportunities. For deliverance inquiries, you can always email or call 888-818-1117.

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