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History of the Baphomet: Mystery of Spiritual Harlotry

Updated: Aug 24

In the supercut footage, Kamala Harris repeats the expression, "What can be, unburdened by what has been," while motioning a peculiar repetitive body language with her arms that makes any watcher wonder, "What does this mean?" The motion and placement of her arms mimics one of the most secretive, mysterious, yet dark symbols of the past 150 years, the Baphomet.

The Origins of the Baphomet

In researching the name "Baphomet," we will never understand what the word itself means. There are many unclear sources about its emergence. Still, the first historical evidence is in a letter written in 1098 during the siege of Antioch between Catholic Crusaders and Muslim militia. The inhabitants began worshiping what sounded to the French Crusaders as "Baphomet." Historians believe that they misheard "Mahometh" or "Mohammed" (being that Arabs settled in Antioch).

Scholars then point out that the Baphomet came from French religious history in the 12th-14th century. During this time, the Knights of Templar were both monks and warriors, a devout but highly wealthy Christian sect. They defeated the Muslim-occupied Israel and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in 1099. They were personally approved by the Pope of the Catholic Church to protect Christians traveling to the Holy Land and guarded the pilgrims and their found relics.

Their military power and the people's trust enabled them to store treasures and relics found by pilgrims. Because of their safe, secretive, and secluded ways, their financial influence became more prominent with European rulers who would also have the Templars store their treasures. They became some of the most influential people in the world. It is also believed that the Knights Templar searched for Biblical treasures and artifacts, such as the Holy Grail - the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. There is a belief that the Knights Templar has hidden the Holy Grail in a European church and may also have hidden the Ark of the Covenant.

The Trial of the Knights Templar

Still, mystery surrounds the Knights Templar because of their secretive profile, which would cause allegations and accusations about their rituals and practices. Their downfall was caused by French King Phillip IV, who was theorized to be in substantial financial debt to the Knights Templar but also possibly interested in their potential treasures. Historians believe the King accused the Knights Templar of secretly worshiping the "Baphomet" to escape debt, seize their properties, and diminish their influential power. Subsequently, with the support of the Pope, 70 direct members of the order were imprisoned, as well as over 500 associated members for devil worship and other charges on October Friday the13th in 1307–or Black Friday, a day forever remembered for bad luck.

Under duress, some members falsely confessed to worshiping "Baphomet" to escape torture by the French monarchy. After being sentenced to be burned at the stake, the Grandmaster Jacque De Molay of the Knights Templar reportedly issued curses against the Pope and the King while facing execution and prophesied their deaths within a year. Surprisingly, the Pope and the King passed away within the predicted timeframe. Also, King Phillip's entire lineage of processors of sons would die of mysterious causes by 1328.

Some scholars theorize that a remnant of French Templars escaped to Scotland with the treasures King Phillip was after. It is believed from that point, the Templars remained underground for the next 400 years. The mystery worship of "Baphomet" and the Templars would circulate throughout Europe since the public trials of the Knights Templar. It would then be in the 1700s that the Knights Templar would reappear and become part of the Freemasons.

The Templars Become Freemasons

Without going into another historical discourse on the Freemasons, the Knights Templar would ultimately become a unique sect of the Mason Lodge. Freemasonry initiated a breakthrough by opening the Grand Lodge in London in 1717. The Masons grew popular because of their geometric and architectural intelligence, secretive esoteric rituals, and occultic philosophies. Chevilar Ramsey of Scotland was attracted to mysticism and sworn into the non-Masonic order of the Ordre du Temple Knights Templar in 1710. At the death of Grandmaster Duke of Orleans in 1730, Ramsey would be initiated into Freemasonry; at this juncture, historians believe the Knights Templar became a part of the Masons. But, unlike Freemasonry, which accepts all religions, the condition that anyone seeking to be a Knight Templar must profess Christianity and claim Christ as their Supreme Being.

Yet, despite their Christian claims, the Knights Templar would still be associated with idolatry and the Baphomet by European society, as stated in an essay by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall in 1818. Joseph had associated a stone artifact of the Knights Templar from the 14th century representing Gnostic, Occultic philosophies. He claimed this stone artifact was "the very Baphomet" they were accused of worshipping by King Phillip in 1307.

Éliphas Lévi the Artist of the Baphomet

Fast forward to almost 40 years later, in 1858, the image of the Baphomet would be finalized and used among Satanists and Occultists today. Éliphas Lévi was a French Catholic priest at the beginning of the 19th century who abandoned the priesthood and became an occultist ceremonial magician. A ceremonial magician draws supernatural powers from schools of "occult thought" or "Hermetics." Interestingly enough, Hermetics was something I was studying when I was in the occult. And in a nutshell, Hermeticism incorporates mystical "laws" and natural principles that derive from Ancient Egypt and Greece, like gender, opposites, etc., for enlightenment and "spiritual balance."

In my research on ceremonial magic, I found that it was also used in rituals to conduct magic. Eliphas used this knowledge to achieve supernatural powers or "magic." He wrote over twenty books on occultic philosophy and was part of a French Masonic organization. Still, he left Freemasonry, quoting, "I ceased being a freemason, at once, because the Freemasons, excommunicated by the Pope, did not believe in tolerating Catholicism ... [and] the essence of Freemasonry is the tolerance of all beliefs."

Eliphas designed the "Sabbatic Goat." In Eliphas's book, "Ritual Doctrine of Ceremonial Magic," Levi describes the Baphomet representing the union of opposites and reconciliation of spiritual and material realms. Or, one could say, "Balance." This idolatrous symbol mirrors the ancient Buddhist "Yin Yang" symbol of dualism, balance, and harmony.

The Connection: Baphomet and Masonry in American Politics

Political and prominent figures from every aspect of Europe would assemble in secret and share various beliefs, ideas, and conversations at Freemason lodges. Based on the beliefs and practices of Freemasons, their agenda appears to be rooted in social order, universal tolerance, advanced "wisdom," and acceptance. Interestingly, the American Constitution's final draft in 1787 echoes similar ideas, such as the First Amendment right of "Freedom of religion." We also see comparable Freemason concepts in the US Dollar Bill, such as ancient Egyptian Occultic Symbols, "A New Order," and "In God We Trust."

The foundation of American politics and government is built upon the ideological influence of Freemasons, which makes you wonder how deep and how far these ideas permeate in our times. Freemasons were highly skilled archaeologists specializing in geometry and archaeology and designed several grand cathedrals in Europe. Freemasons constructed the Statue of Liberty in Europe, and almost the entire blueprint of Capitol Hill was designed with Masonic geometry and symbols.

George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, and John Hancock (the man who signed the Declaration of Independence), James Monore (Fifth President), John Paul Jones (War Hero), Ethan Allen, John Marshall, Joseph Warren, and John Jay were all a Freemason in the Colonial Era and vital in establishing what we know today as the United States of America. Every President up to George Bush Senior was sworn in, hand on the Freemason Bible that George Washington used.

Satanism Makes The Baphomet Famous

The Baphomet work of Eliphas would be fully materialized in the life of Anton LeVay in the 1960s. Anton LeVay would be the "father and founder" of the "Church of Satan," author of the Satanic Bible and the new religion "LeVay Satanism." The image of the Baphomet would become even more popular as the Satanist religion gained popularity. LeVay's writings even include situations sourced from the Knights Templar and claim that Satanism passed down from them into the 20th century.

I looked at the website of the current Knights Templar Masonry. Despite their website claiming no evidence connecting the present order and the ancient order, there is a prominent link to the beliefs and practices of these mysterious groups. Their open denial of any link of the ancient Templars could be for their protection since the Nazis persecuted and targeted Freemasons, as one of Hitler’s members was looking for the Holy Grail and believed the Templars in the Freemasons had it. Hitler himself was an esoteric occultist and regularly had diviners and German historians who researched occult themes.

Kamala Harris Esoteric Body Language

The fact that Kamala Harris continues to express body language that mimics an object that has been associated with secret societies, occultism, and Satanic worship is alarming. Based on my research, I suspect and theorize that since the Baphomet is rooted in occultic mysticism and witchcraft powers, it can be used or "channeled" to empower and enlighten those with supernatural powers and knowledge from the Devil.

Kamala Harris commonly expresses the gestures of the Baphomet while reciting this phrase, "The point about progress is to have the ability to have a vision, and a belief and some faith in what can be, unburdened by what has been." Could this phrase be about the traumatic American past of racism and hatred and that we must have hope for a new progressive future? Maybe. But it also echoes transcending occultic esoteric expressions of balance, harmony, and universal transformation.

James Lindsay, an author of right-wing conspiracy books, made similar observations to Kamala Harris's speech, describing it as, in his words, "Cultural Marxism." While we are not promoting conspiracy theories, we can't deny the obvious. Regardless of interpretation, the highest levels of Satanism, Freemasons, Knights Templar, witchcraft, and occult forces are factually associated with the Baphomet.

Of all the body language expressions Kamala could choose, it is the body language the Baphomet expresses. It is the Baphomet that represents the Babylon Antichrist Idolatry controlled by Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet, creating a universal religion of love, balance, and acceptance, all while denying and mocking Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

This further evidence provides valuable insight into Kamala Harris's possible role as the spiritual harlot in Revelation. We must ask ourselves: Is the spirit of harlotry present in her future administration of joy and freedom? We will have to continue trying the spirits and watching.

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