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The Rotten Tree: The Truth About the Powerlessness of the Church

"...Quite frankly, sin and deception has permeated the house so deeply, that only a profound, deep move of repentance and contrition can save the organized church. As Jesus declared to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation, "Remember therefore, from whence thou art fallen, and REPENT, and do the first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick from his place, except thou REPENT." (Revelation 2:5) Since He clearly states that the candlestick is a metaphor for the church, it is apparent that Jesus Himself will bring down various organized church systems." (Faces of the Religious Demon, p. 17)

The authority to bind the gods is not available to the church, because the church has strayed from its central pillar of the Gospel and unknowingly have invited the gods inside of her very buildings!!!! To act under the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth means to have been born again through the wind of the Holy Ghost. Anything less renders counterfeit salvation and by extension, counterfeit authority: the man’s decisional gospel, the altar call, and religious sacraments renders one’s authority under the gods with a little ‘g’, not the ‘Big G’, including the very buildings where these demonic activities take place.

For example, Catholic Churches often have a dedicated altar for the head priest to lead communion during Mass. Through the lens of Catholicism, the Eucharist is seen as a continuation of the sacrificial aspect of the Old Testament, where bread and wine become the literal body and blood of Christ. The priest acts in persona Christi, meaning "in the person of Christ," and offers this sacrifice on the altar to God the Father. Nevertheless, the purpose of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection was to forgo with the ritualism and sacrifices of the Old-Testament era entirely. Christ became the FINAL sacrifice to the Father, the end-all, be-all for the sake of His Elect, His church. So, therefore, how could a denomination that inherently doesn’t understand the Lord’s resurrection be expected to act in appropriate authority through Christ’s very Resurrection to cast out demons and bind the gods? The corruption of communion traces back to Roman pagan practices as quoted here:

“Similar rituals were practiced in the underground ‘mystery religions’ of the Greco-Roman world. In a few of those occult religions, celebrants shared a communal meal in which they symbolically feasted on the flesh and got drunk on the blood of their god. For example, the Mithraic Mysteries, or Mithraism, was a mystery cult practiced in the Roman Empire in 300 BC in which followers worshipped the Indo-Iranian deity Mithram, the god of friendship, contract, and order. Mirroring the Catholic Eucharistic rite, the idea of transubstantiation was a characteristic of Mithraic sacraments that included cake and Haoma drink. But the ritual probably wasn’t original to Mithraism either. In Egypt around 3100 BC, priests would consecrate cakes which were to become the flesh of the god Osiris and eaten.”

Keep in mind, Satan cannot cast out Satan. If priests, preachers, and clerical staff have already become deceived in terms of their salvation as well, they themselves now become bound to the authority of a “false god.” I repeat, the very individuals meant to be responsible for freeing the captives now have become trapped in spiritual captivity themselves! The miraculous gift of binding the gods has become a dog and pony-show with the spirits purposely contorting and corrupting the practice as they’ve installed themselves within the Institutional Church (I.C.) As if they’d allow themselves to be bound and taken out of the very places that they’ve now infested!

These following items are considered “must-haves” for a Catholic exorcism (as popularized by Hollywood.) Here, you begin to realize that the pagan idolatry to the ‘gods’ begin with “Roman Ritual” from the get-go:

  1. Roman Ritual: The Roman Ritual is the official liturgical book of the Catholic Church that contains the specific prayers and instructions for performing an exorcism. It is an indispensable resource for the priest, guiding him through the ritual. (So, in other words, a handbook has more leading authority than that of the Holy Spirit? Sounds limiting in the moment…and very predictable to evil spirits to counter.)

  2. Priestly Vestments: A priest typically wears his liturgical vestments when conducting an exorcism. These include the alb (white robe), stole (a long, narrow scarf-like garment worn around the neck), and chasuble (outer vestment). These vestments symbolize the priest's authority and role as a representative of the Church. (…As far as Jesus did not state that you’re required to have a ‘dress-code’ to cast out spirits, rather it was emphasized of one’s inward state of the heart as being precious in the sight of God (1 Peter 3:3-4).

  3. Holy Water: Holy water is blessed water used for purification and protection during the exorcism. The priest may sprinkle holy water on the person being exorcised and the surrounding area. It is a sacramental with spiritual significance. (Holy Water also traces back to Ancient Egypt. Water was used for its cleansing properties, and it was used for spiritual purification. Water was sprinkled on the floor to welcome visitors into a home, and it was used to open ceremonies in the temple. Ancient Egyptians could also drink holy water, or bathe in holy water for healing. Water or oil was blessed and used for a variety of magical tasks.)

  4. Blessed Salt: Blessed salt is often used in combination with holy water. The priest may mix a small amount of blessed salt with holy water to create a mixture used for sprinkling. It symbolizes purification and protection from evil. (“…[This] custom was already widespread in pagan Rome; for salt was perceived as being effective in repelling evil spirits.)

  5. Crucifix: A crucifix, which is a cross with a depiction of the crucified Jesus, is an important symbol of the Christian faith. It is often used during exorcisms to invoke the power of Christ's sacrifice and victory over evil. The priest may make the sign of the cross with the crucifix or hold it up during the ritual. (INHERENTLY SPIRITUALLY HEINOUS BY KEEPING CHRIST ON THE CROSS AND PORTRAYING SANANDA’S IMAGE ON SAID CROSS!)

  6. Bible: The Bible, particularly the New Testament, is a source of scriptural passages and prayers that are used during the exorcism. The priest may read relevant verses, such as Gospel passages, to invoke the Word of God against evil forces.

  7. Candles: Lit candles may be used during the exorcism to symbolize the presence of Christ as the Light of the World. They also provide a sacred and reverent atmosphere during the ritual.

  8. Anointing Oil: Blessed oil may be used for anointing the person being exorcised. The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit's presence and protection. The priest may make the sign of the cross with the oil on the person's forehead or hands.

  9. Religious Icons and Images: Icons or images of saints, Mother Mary, and angels may be present during the exorcism to invoke their intercession and protection. These sacred images actually comprises of fallen angels, demons, and false gods.

  10. Blessed Rosary: A blessed rosary, a string of prayer beads used for reciting prayers and meditations, may be used during the exorcism for prayer and spiritual focus. (Idol worship to Mother Mary, another false god, likely linked to Ishtar given their close proximity to the LGBT community. Ishtar being one of the first ‘transvestic’ gods on record as a Mesopotamian goddess in 5th century BCE.)

  11. Laying on of Hands: The priest may lay hands on the person being exorcised as a means of transferring blessings and spiritual healing. This gesture signifies the invocation of the Holy Spirit's presence. (YOU DO NOT NEED TO PUT YOUR HANDS ON SOMEONE FOR DELIVERANCE! EIC (Pastor Pam) HAS LITERALLY CASTED OUT DEMONS AND BOUND FALLEN ANGELS OVER THE PHONE. THE HOLY SPIRIT ISN’T CALLED, ‘THE WIND’ FOR NOTHING! HE’S OMINICENT. Why must a seasoned born-again warrior of God “activate” the holy spirit?????? They already should be in-step / in tangent with Him in the first place even before the spiritual warfare takes place!

In performing ‘deliverance’ for individuals, these deceived “Judas goats” amongst the Institutional Church (I.C.) in fact bound other individuals in the name of their false god as they pray over them. Through the gift of discernment, one may see both the spiritual signature of both the counterfeit deliverance worker and their false god on a demonically captive individual! The I.C. has lost their right to bind the gods as they’ve become under the captivity of the gods!

Check out the Catholic altar featuring the typical church ‘set-up.’ At the altar, you see Jesus Sananda’s body containing a demonic face lodged in the chest, but you also see multiple variations of Mother Mary, particularly the “San Juan de Lagos” version. The latter imagery she uses to converse and indoctrinate her Mexican / Hispanic followers. I hypothesize that individuals who light candles to the various versions of Mother Mary, allow for her ‘seals’ to gain legal rights to become a literal fixture on the altar, especially if they’re repeated visitors.

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